Group GIS was established in 1994 as a service provider to businesses requiring specialized assistance in areas of location analysis, route optimization, customer targeting and general mapping services. Over the years, customers demanded more detailed forms of analytics including political work. In addition to the service areas that it began with, the company now provides services in a broad range of political and quasi political services including; campaign management, campaign services, government relations, polling and strategic planning.

The War Room mentality embraced by political parties over the last two decades has led to a centralized, top down, approach to campaign execution. An unintended consequence of this style of politics is that fewer and fewer people are being trained in operations, tactics and the logistical expertise requisite to run an effective local campaign. Campaign in a Box is a response to this deficiency.

Campaigns now have to compete with corporate ad mail, the twenty four hour news cycle, social media and busy work and life schedules for voter attention. With limited resources this is a challenge at all levels of politics. However, it is most acute at the municipal level, where budgets are tight, spending limits are low and political parties play no direct role in promoting a brand or a specific candidate.

Campaign in a Box  covers everything from buttons to advanced psychographic voter targeting. It is designed to be scalable dependent on budget limitations and / or spending limits. It affords campaigns an opportunity to use one source for the majority of campaign requirements allowing the candidate and the team to concentrate on voter interaction.

Campaign in a Box is the result of years of campaign experience and tried and true methods.  It provides a practical alternative to the process of on-the-job training experienced by most new candidates and campaign managers. Even experienced practitioners find it easier and more dependable than the do-it-yourself approach. The program provides campaigns with realistic deliverables needed to be competitive and reassures the people who matter most – volunteers, donors and voters!