There are three phases to campaigning that form the holy trinity of effective politics. They include;

  • pre-writ preparations,
  • the campaign
  • and, assuming victory, post-election organization to establish practices to ensure re-election.

Most people focus on the campaign which is normal as it is a specific event. Group GIS looks at politics as an ongoing, organic process.

Group GIS provides consulting and mentoring for the first and last parts of the process. For the middle part, the campaign, Group GIS provides “Campaign In A Box”, a service that is scalable depending on your budget.

Group GIS uses the most advanced voter contact technologies to provide your campaign with a competitive advantage. During the crucial campaign period, many campaign teams and candidates become bogged down with the day to day requirements of: fund raising; sourcing and dealing with suppliers; the creative work required to give a campaign a certain look and feel; research; voter communications; and voter identification. Regardless of whether you’re in an incumbent or challenger situation, “Campaign In A Box” can help you get those extra votes required to win.

“Campaign In A Box” can range from buttons and signs to polling research and advanced voter targeting. It is designed to remove the logistical burdens required to run an effective campaign allowing the candidate and the election team to actually campaign and get the vote out on election day.

Campaign Menu Items:

  • Creative: Buttons, Brochures, Hats, T-Shirts, Fridge Magnets, Signs and specialty items…
  • MediaMedia communications and tracking to find out where to focus – real time…

  • Social Media content: Web Sites, Facebook, Twitter…
  • Voter Contact: Ad Mail, Automated Dialing, List Management, Town Hall Meetings, Live Outbound…
  • Research: Past Results, Opposition Research, Polling, Demographics and Segmentation…
  • Finance: Fundraising, Campaign Filling and Auditing

In addition to standard items, Group GIS will customize your campaign to meet your communications objectives and your competitive environment.