Tactics follow Strategy. Pre and post-writ periods are key strategic windows that will make the challenging election period more predictable and more likely of success.

Group GIS can help you in the important pre-writ period by establishing a path to the election that will position your campaign to appeal to key groups of voters. Doing the right things up front can provide you with a pool of extra voters that can make the difference in a tight race. Knowing where to look and how to communicate with swing voters is crucial.

If you are going through a nomination process in a Party contest, Group GIS can show you how to maximize your numbers from recruitment and member contact to communications and on through to supporter turn-out strategies to maximize your yield. Group GIS also provides speech writing services.

After an election, Group GIS will work with your staff to structure the office and its communications techniques to provide you with the foundation for the next campaign. We will also provide training to newly elected officials to help shorten the learning curve that follows after a victory. Your pre and post-writ office humming on all cylinders will make the next election more likely to succeed.