Keeping tabs on politicians and political activities allows Group GIS to be your eyes and ears to what legislation is being proposed and likely to succeed. We can act as a bridge to the legislative process that impacts your company.

Navigating the intersection of governments, policy, politics and public opinion is an increasingly challenging and important role for management teams and boards of directors. Group GIS helps organizations set strategies to engage with public policy stakeholders in compelling and effective ways. Our organization combines experience in public affairs and government relations with a deep knowledge of economic analysis and political risk. We provide clients with the expertise they need to analyze advice and deliver across these critical areas.

As businesses adapt to new economic realities and a more competitive international environment, government policy is increasingly playing a defining role. Business intelligence now means anticipating what government and policy makers will do next and influencing the ultimate outcome on policy, legislation and regulation in ways that protect and advance business interests. Our team has trusted relationships with senior politicians, policymakers and influencers in key jurisdictions.

With years of experience creating campaigns that shape political debates, change perceptions and influence outcomes, Group GIS can ensure clients achieve the best possible outcomes. Our communications strategies integrate the key disciplines of research, polling, new and traditional media, and government relations to put compelling messages in front of critical audiences.